News, SOS - Rebuild Kilembe Mines Hospital

BREAKING: Floods continue

BY: Ilia Van Campenhout | ON: May 10, 2020

Today, Kilembe suffered a second flooding in a few days’ time. Before any restoration work could start, another unstoppable flood hit the area. In consultation with local authorities, management decided to relocate the hospital activities to Kasese diocese social centre and St Michael Nursery school. Thus, continuity of health services to the community can be ensured. Starting on monday, hospital staff will evacuate the hospital equipment that can be salvaged. There future of the current hospital site is uncertain for now. Our thoughts are with all the victims. Meanwhile, we want to thank all of our followers for the generous donations we have received so far. Your support means a lot to Daktari Project and to the community in Kilembe. 

Read more about the floods and how to support the hospital here.

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