SOS - Rebuild Kilembe Mines Hospital


ON: May 18, 2020

BY: Ilia Van Campenhout

Hello friends of Daktari Project, we have some news! On Saturday 23 May at 8.30pm we organize a - live - webinar. Here we take a closer look at the severe flooding that hit the Kilembe Mines. We also update you on the latest developments in Kilembe. Finally, we will explain the role of Daktari Project vzw, and how we want to use the collected amount as efficiently as possible. We are happy to answer all your questions. The webinar is now finished. You can watch the webinar here.

Thanks for the support

ON: May 14, 2020

BY: Ilia Van Campenhout

Dear friends of Daktari Project, after a difficult week with two subsequent floodings, the people of Kilembe and hospital staff have organized the first stage of a move to dry land. The surviving equipment is being transported to an emergency hospital’, which has been established in St Michael Nursery School and the social centre of Kasese diocese. As mentioned earlier, the future of the hospital is uncertain. Local government officials are expected on site to assess the damage from the floods. Only then can the plan to rebuild begin to take form. We hereby want to thank all our followers for their support, financial and otherwise. We’re receiving donations on our King Baudouin Foundation account as well, thank you so much! Find out how to donate here.

Press release in Belgium

ON: May 14, 2020

BY: Ilia Van Campenhout

International media have picked up the news about the floodings in East-Africa. Two days ago, government officials came to assess the damage in Kilembe. More details about their findings are expected by the end of this week or beginning of next week.  Meanwhile, the material needs for the hospital are listed. Daktari Project vzw stays in touch with the Kilembe Mines Hospital board and staff in order to provide help as efficiently as possible.…/ziekenhuis-verwoest-en-volledig-dorp-…/

BREAKING: Floods continue

ON: May 10, 2020

BY: Ilia Van Campenhout

Today, Kilembe suffered a second flooding in a few days’ time. Before any restoration work could start, another unstoppable flood hit the area. In consultation with local authorities, management decided to relocate the hospital activities to Kasese diocese social centre and St Michael Nursery school. Thus, continuity of health services to the community can be ensured. Starting on monday, hospital staff will evacuate the hospital equipment that can be salvaged. There future of the current hospital site is uncertain for now. Our thoughts are with all the victims. Meanwhile, we want to thank all of our followers for the generous donations we have received so far. Your support means a lot to Daktari Project and to the community in Kilembe.  Read more about the floods and how to support the hospital here.

BREAKING: Kilembe Mines Hospital Flooded

ON: May 8, 2020

BY: Ilia Van Campenhout

Dear friends of Daktari Project, Yesterday we received the devastating news that Kilembe Mines Hospital has flooded. Due to heavy rainfall over the last few days, the river Nyamwamba near the hospital burst its banks. We are of course sadly reminded of the heavy flooding in 2013, which is the topic of our first Daktari docufilm ‘After the flood’. Once more, the damage is substantial, both material and structural, as well as financial. The medical stores were completely washed away, which is a tremendous loss of valuable resources. All but one of the patient wards are affected. The recently opened female surgical ward and the TB-isolation ward – which was nearly finished – were badly damaged. The pediatric (‘toto’) ward near the edge of the hospital grounds has suffered severe structural damage. Thanks to a quick response from the hospital staff and support, all patients were safely evacuated, and no one was injured.  Nature’s cruel force has once again struck the heart of the community in Kilembe. Daktari Project vzw is starting a fundraising for the repair and restoration of the damage due to the recent flooding.  In light of the corona crisis, it is currently not possible to organize an event to do so. Therefore, we’re hoping for your support through donations. Our team has plans to set up one or more smaller projects to raise money to add to this fundraising effort. We will rebuild!  HOW TO DONATE? There are currently 3 options to make a donation. All funds will be gathered in this fundraising.  - through PayPal linked to this fundraising: Facebook Fundraiser - through our Daktari Project vzw bank account: BE41 7340 4111 8410 with mention ‘Rebuild Kilembe Mines Hospital’ - through our King Baudouin Foundation account: BE10 0000 0000 0404 with structured communication ***128/3021/00060***. This option allows for fiscal advantages for donations of 40 EUR and more per year.  We thank you in advance, every donation matters!

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