
COVID-19 at Kilembe

BY: Ilia Van Campenhout | ON: April 25, 2020

It was about time to update you on the Covid-19 status in Kilembe. At the Kilembe Mines Hospital (KMH) precautionary measures have been taken to tackle the virus.

Every patient needing essential care is allowed in the hospital after screening for temperature and after thorough hand hygiene. Every patient is allowed one attendant and those that are critically ill can have two. Patients that show symptoms of covid-19 have to wait in an isolation tent before being seen by a doctor. The laboratory in KMH has been approved by the ministry of health of Uganda to test for covid-19. Luckily, no cases of covid-19 have been confirmed at KMH yet.

Furthermore, the hospital staff has received training to manage potential cases of covid-19. Protective equipment like aprons, gloves and masks is on hand, but the amount is insufficient for all hospital staff. Unfortunately, no ventilator is available.

Since the 2013 flood washed away the staff quarters, hospital staff live far away from the hospital. Cancellation of public transport, following the outbreak, has made the commute for staff very difficult. For patients, reaching the hospital is even more problematic.

In the past, Uganda has always been good at handling outbreaks of epidemics, so we hope they will handle this virus as well ass they handled the previous ones.

Keep up the good work


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