Events, News

Daktari @ Warmste week

BY: Ilia Van Campenhout | ON: October 14, 2018

It’s almost that time of year again! Every year, the week before Christmas is ‘de Warmste Week’ in Belgium, organized by Studio Brussel’s Music for Life. During this week (and the weeks before), people all over Belgium organize events, shows, bake sales, flashmobs or anything they can think of to raise money for a good cause. We are happy to announce that, for the second time, Daktari Project will be one of the good causes that people can contribute to during the WarmsteWeek! So if you want to support Daktari Project and the Kilembe Mines Hospital with anything from a cookie sale to a self-written song or a charitable donation, go to, find Daktari Project vzwand register your event!

We will of course be organizing some events ourselves for you to participate in, so stay tuned for more information!

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