News, SOS - Rebuild Kilembe Mines Hospital

Thanks for the support

BY: Ilia Van Campenhout | ON: May 14, 2020

Dear friends of Daktari Project,
after a difficult week with two subsequent floodings, the people of Kilembe and hospital staff have organized the first stage of a move to dry land. The surviving equipment is being transported to an emergency hospital’, which has been established in St Michael Nursery School and the social centre of Kasese diocese. As mentioned earlier, the future of the hospital is uncertain. Local government officials are expected on site to assess the damage from the floods. Only then can the plan to rebuild begin to take form.

We hereby want to thank all our followers for their support, financial and otherwise. We’re receiving donations on our King Baudouin Foundation account as well, thank you so much!

Find out how to donate here.

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